Close your eyes. 
gather all the kindling 
about your heart 
to create one spark. 

- John O’Donohue


Autumn is a time when we gather to our hearts the fruits of our life experience, give thanks, and gently let go into winter’s rest. Autumn speaks for transition. A liminal time; creating fertile ground for a deep cycle of renewal.

How are you moving through this time? 

The intention of this gathering is to explore seasonality through holistic practices. To support you with strengthening the body and balancing internal energy. An invitation to embody tools which allow for a deeper connection to the life-force energy inside and outside.



Qi Gong. An Autumn seasonal practice - with Claire Waumsley 

Claire is a physiotherapist, acupuncturist and Qi Gong teacher with a lifetime of experience in the healing arts. Her approach offers integrative body-work which can affect vitality, clarity and inner-peace.

Chinese Qi Gong - literally translated as ‘energy cultivation’ allows one to breathe deeply into the belly and drop into relaxation. Claire will be demonstrating how to smile with the organs and introduce possibilities of whole body healing. 

Over this weekend, the Qi Gong practice will reflect on Autumn - the season of the lungs and the metal element in Chinese medicine. A time to lengthen and strengthen the breath, building immunity to keep us warm and healthy during the winter months ahead. A time of letting go of any physical, emotional and mental stagnation. Much like the image of a tree - shaking loose its leaves at summer’s end. A time for gratitude.

Council Guide Process work - with David Plenderleith

David is passionate about group facilitation and helping individuals realise their fullest potential. Sanctioned as a Council Guide to teach The Original Teachings of the Delicate Lodge, David travels with a bundle of wisdom which is offered as maps of consciousness in ceremonial settings. 

Both profound and highly practical, these teachings are from an oral tradition of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, who understood what was needed for humans to live together in harmony while at the same time honoring individual freedom and self authority. In this understanding, we are all sacred beings - along with "all our relations", meaning all other life forms in our universe.


Nutritional work - with Florian Baumann 

Food is not just to nourish the body but a medium to relax the mind, touch the mind, and invite spirit to dance within its sacred temple. Florian will gift us his vast array of international experience in the Mediterranean & South East Asian seas - incorporating holistic health for high vibrational nourishment. 

With a focus on quality and well-being, Florian will be designing a seasonal menu, sourcing food from local lands to support the physical and spiritual intentions of our ceremony.

Venue -McBain 

A retreat from the city, a retreat into nature.

McBains is situated at the summit of the Bainskloof Pass. Fronting the Klein Sneeuberg Mountain and Witte River, McBains is blessed with stunning views and easy access to an abundance of river pools and mountain walks. 

FRIDAY 28 - SUNDAY 30 MAY 2021

Cost for the weekend ceremony is 3690

This includes:
- 2 nights lodging 
- 6 meals
- welcome drinks
- a gift-set 
- a transfer of tools and teachings to apply into your life

 For more info, contact David via email at tresnagual@gmail.com or cell 0624708760


COVID-19 safety protocols will be observed.