Natural perfumery
being receptive
Natural perfume is an expression of earth’s alchemy - it is liquid poetry. Through the processes of formulation, and through our sense of smell, we are opened to life cosmically connected to our own bodies and the breathing, vibrant body of our earth. Fragrance has a way of touching hearts and minds that is potent and mystical. An essential part of scents’ many experiential layers is the art of being receptive to all of its metaphysical textures. May you open yourself to this beauty, letting it move you, deeply.
natural perfume
What is Tres Nagual?
We are an expression of wholeness.
a wakening seed,
a drop of water,
a spark of fire,
a gentle wind -
with all of life.
We have an ever-changing form,
offering -
diversely alchemised treasures
for skin + spirit.
Each product a contemplative action,
to nurture. to guide. to restore.
Awakening remembrance
The story behind our name?
"Très" [pronounced t ʁ ɛ ] means "very" in french.
The word "Nagual" [pronounced nah-gwahl, -wahl ] comes from a lineage of ancient wisdom which moved through the first peoples of North & South America. From this cosmology, an inner diamond was drawn, which illustrates the different worlds we inhabit. The world of material objects (tonal) and the non-material world (nagual).
"Nagual" points to an understanding that all things arise from the mystery. A meta-physical realm. The unseen.
Since Florian was born in Morocco, french words stuck to him like a love-song. David was in training with this lineage of teachings, and we wanted to move with a name which honours the feminine which all things arise from. Hence, "very unseen" or "very mysterious" would be a loose translation.
how do we operate?
We listen to the song of life.
From deep within our inner-worlds
nature speaks,
dreams emerge,
a subtle whisper
of intuition
guiding us
through cycles of creation.

Keep in touch
Lalaphanzi Farm
Plateau Road
Cape Point, South Africa
Open: Fri - Sun / 10AM - 5PM
106 Upper Maynard St, Vredehoek, Cape Town, South Africa
Open: Mon - Sat / 10AM - 5PM
Reach out for any queries.
+27 62 470 8760

Scent Launch: VÍTIS

Scent Launch: ÀTHOS