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Artist Profile: Brigitte Lilley, By The Light Studios

Brigitte Lilley, our neighbour and cherished friend, is the heart and vision behind By The Light gallery & studio found at Lalaphanzi Farm in Cape Point. Spirited, vibrant and warm, Brigitte mirrors the elemental craftsmanship of her work using clay and botanicals as her medium.  The gallery’s name is inspired by the generous light that floods her studio, sharing that when she first relocated she felt “overwhelmed by the amount of light there was, whether it was day, whether it was night. The moonlight, the sunlight, are [both] just so nurturing and dynamic.” Actively working with clay for the last 10 years, Brigitte’s early memories take her back to a pottery class that she attended as a child which took place in...

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The Personality of Scent

Personality noun3 a: the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or groupb: a set of distinctive traits and characteristics   The Personality of Scent Much like people, time spent with perfume is time spent getting to know the intricacies of that scent: how it changes, how it lingers, what sensations it invokes within and beyond the wearer. The impressions a perfume leaves upon the mind and heart of those who smell it speak to its personality; the composition of being that makes it remarkably distinct and unique to its own profile.  The process of formulation holds space for vast changes to occur within the technical make-up of a fragrance. From colour to strength to the position...

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