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journal — tres nagual RSS

Scent Launch: VÍTIS

An early summer afternoon of captivating wonderment… On 29th November, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, something magical unfolded in the most lush and fragrant way at Spier Wine Farm. Inside the enchanting soil room, we assembled a scent shrine with botanical details, each element placed with intentionality; around it, a crowd gathered to celebrate the launch of Vitis, our latest fragrance which captures the essence of  Spier.  Inspired by the flowering grape vine, this scent has been in alchemy throughout the course of the year, beginning in early spring and becoming complete this summer: a full circle moment for Vitis which has touched every season.  Exploring the tapestry of our senses, we moved through elements of...

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The Personality of Scent

Personality noun3 a: the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or groupb: a set of distinctive traits and characteristics   The Personality of Scent Much like people, time spent with perfume is time spent getting to know the intricacies of that scent: how it changes, how it lingers, what sensations it invokes within and beyond the wearer. The impressions a perfume leaves upon the mind and heart of those who smell it speak to its personality; the composition of being that makes it remarkably distinct and unique to its own profile.  The process of formulation holds space for vast changes to occur within the technical make-up of a fragrance. From colour to strength to the position...

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Image of Très

Warm hues and golden light; Earth glows, ethereal and bright. Footsteps treading through open plains, Each step in presenceAs a witness to the world. Nature’s hand extending. Genius igniting,        Fragrance being noticed,              Alchemy dancing with the mystery of scent. A doorway leading to a place of softness. Wood. Sunbeams. Open space. Time, moving slowly and holding the vibration Of creation. An artist’s senses, crafting, opening, listening. Formulating alongside that which upholds       f o r m l e s s n e s s. Fragrance is born. An invention of a language; An offering of quiet intimacy, Association, Pleasure. The essence of the depth of scent. A vision White butterfliesSoft breezeSmoke rising from the unseen. Light,         revealing. Poem by Boudica Collins

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the world of natural perfume

Perfumery is, in its own right, a very special and enthralling art form which offers immense beauty and endless discovery. Natural perfume takes that to a level of exquisite depth. Formulating natural perfume is an intricate process of alchemy, skill and creative intuition. It takes an attuned nose and an acute connection to nature’s fragrant offerings to create a perfume that captures the essence of its source while weaving a scent profile entirely of its own realm.  Because it is distilled and born directly from nature - which is a wondrous and ever-changing spectacle - the molecular structure of natural perfume is unfixed and free to shift. This is mainly observed upon contact with skin: here, fragrance truly reveals itself....

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