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journal — smell RSS

City & scent

With Très fragrances currently having a presence in four city spaces - New York, Lisbon, Johannesburg, and our Cape Town store - the influence of scent in the city has been vividly moving through our minds. We’ve been exploring how it captivates, stirs memory and can cause time to stand still, even briefly. Walking the streets of any city is usually a sensory-rich experience of sight, sound and sensation. Along with all the surrounding motion, the city’s scents add a deeper layer of awareness, when we pay attention.  [Exhaust fumes; wet tar roads after rainfall; freshly baked goods, roasted coffee and the local flower market; each stranger’s perfume as they walk past, lingering in the mind and at the back...

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Our in-store experience

Our in-store experience and the atmosphere that we aim to cultivate for anyone entering Très is rooted in intentional interaction and presence. Being a feeling-space of sensory exploration, the energy we hold with puts mindfulness at the forefront of our focus. It brings us joy to create a shop experience that evokes a sense of calm and curiosity within each visitor, and we are purposeful in creating the opportunity for this. Très echoes the values of something that is of sanctuary; we offer you invitations of awareness, discovery and connection within our shop and within all of its exchanges. May you leave feeling uplifted and inspired.   Words by Boudica Collins

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The Personality of Scent

Personality noun3 a: the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or groupb: a set of distinctive traits and characteristics   The Personality of Scent Much like people, time spent with perfume is time spent getting to know the intricacies of that scent: how it changes, how it lingers, what sensations it invokes within and beyond the wearer. The impressions a perfume leaves upon the mind and heart of those who smell it speak to its personality; the composition of being that makes it remarkably distinct and unique to its own profile.  The process of formulation holds space for vast changes to occur within the technical make-up of a fragrance. From colour to strength to the position...

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